Tag Archives: chicken

Chutney chicken

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Hi! Hi! Anyone there?

Sorry, I’m a terrible blogger. Without knowing it, two months have gone by without my posting. So, this is going to be a massive brain dump of my recent activities to catch you all up. Followed by a super quick, easy chutney chicken recipe, which is my current favourite way of cooking chicken. Continue reading

Sichuan chicken


Congratulations to you all for getting through the first 5-day working week of the year. It was a struggle. And to those of you who have still been on holiday, well, boo you.

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Chicken stew with dumplings


Last week I decided it was time I created a recipe index for the blog. I figured 30+ posts warranted some organisation. On listing all the posts, it occurred to me that the majority of my savoury dishes feature chicken. Hardly surprising given the good ole chickie has been my meat of choice this year. But I know it might not be yours, so I will make more of a concerted effort to use other meats going forwards. Till then, I have another chicken recipe for you.

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John’s chicken satay


Having a boyfriend who originates from the forresty lands of Robin Hood means that I get to travel oop north every now and again. I’m probably offending a few of you by referring to Notts as the north and not “The Midlands”, but to me, London girl born and bred, it’s north. I’m like the Tully to John’s House Stark. Can you tell I’m still into GOT? Yeah I’m that cool that I refer to it by its acronym.
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Grilled nectarine, chicken and feta salad


I’m feeling fat. My skin is not happy with me. I’ve completely let myself go. Ok, the last bit is a lie (I hope). But I am feeling in need of a bit of a health kick. A reboot, if you will.

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Butchering a chicken with Ginger Pig (and chicken stock)

Two weeks ago we attended the “School of Grub with The Ginger Pig” at the fabulous establishment that is Paradise By Way of Kensal Green. We learnt to butcher a chicken. It was brilliant.

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Thai chicken laksa with butternut squash


As alluded to in previous posts, I am not the best of house girlfriends. Ok, I’m a terrible house girlfriend. I’m messy, I leave hair EVERYWHERE and I’m pretty bone-idle when it comes to house work. But I’d like to think that my cooking/baking abilities make up for it. Don’t they say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?

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Chicken and sweet leek pie


I am obsessed with chicken.

For the last three months, the only meat I have wanted to eat is chicken. Yes, THREE WHOLE MONTHS.  If I could, I would eat chicken every day, but alas, I’m not sure John would approve and I would probably start losing readers through lack of variety. As such, I’ve been keeping my chickie obsession on the down low, but last Friday we went to the most brilliant chicken restaurant and it would be selfish of me to not share it with you. No, it’s not Chicken Cottage. Continue reading

Crispy buttermilk pretzel chicken


Being an accountant, you meet some real characters in the office, particularly when you work in the tax team. From my experience, you’ll find that a lot of accountants, in particular tax accountants, will not want to admit to you what it is they do. A quick survey of my fellow tax bods proved that when it comes to answering the question “ what do you do?”, most will do their best to hide the truth, trying to confuse the questioner with some chat about international advisory, financial service consultancy, jiggery pokery. Continue reading