Monthly Archives: April 2015

Lazy days in Laos

imageWe return home to London in just under a week. It hardly seems possible – 6 months, just like that. But I feel almost ready to come back, maybe.

You have probably noticed that I have totally let the side down on the blogging front and I have a whole two months to catch you up on. In part, this has been due to the lack of working internet during our time here in the Philippines, and the fact that sitting on a beach or boat has not allowed for effective typing on the ole ipad. Such a hard life.  Continue reading

Chiang Mai and the Thailand review


Week 4 of our time in SE Asia saw us returning to Thailand – flying into Chiang Mai to see what the north had to offer. We ended up only spending 3.5 days in Chiang Mai before catching a bus out to the Laos border, but during this time we managed to fit in quite a bit.  Continue reading

Myanmar review


We spent an amazing 2 weeks in Myanmar, managing to do and see everything we wanted to. It was a bit of a rush at times, involving a tonne of bus journeys, but we loved it all (with the exception of the locals’ travel sickness). Continue reading

Myanmar: Part II


After the peaceful beauty of Bagan, the city of Mandalay was a bit of a shock. We spent 1.5 days here, which was plenty for us.  Continue reading